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Hospital Facilities

Hospital Facilities

Medical facility/service is available in the university campus.In the university hospital specialist team of doctors are available. In the hospital for diagnosis and treatment from first aid to serious medical conditions, an expert/specialized team of doctors is available to attend the patients round the clock.Consultancy services to the students are available free of cost and they are treated charging nominal fees.

Available medical facilities:

Primary Health Care - Primary diagnosis & treatment.
Medical Emergency care - First Aid.
Pharmacy - All essential medicines are available. The medicines prescribed to staff and students are given free of cost.
Physiotherapy : Well-equipped physiotherapy center is available.
In-patient ward: Ten bed indoor facility with oxygen support is available.
Ambulance with Oxygen support is available.

Timings of Hospital:

OPD: Morning 0800 AM to 0400 PM.
Emergency: 24×7 round the clock