Governing Body
(a)The Governing Body shall consist of following :
(1) The Chancellor - Chairperson
(ii) The Pro Chancellor - Member
(iii) The Vice-Chancellor - Member
(iv) Two members to be nominated by the Sponsoring Body from management committee.
(v) One eminent educationist to be nominated by the Sponsoring Body.
(vi) One member from the Industry/Corporate Sector to be nominated by the Sponsoring Body.
(vii) One Legal Expert to be nominated as member by the Sponsoring Body.
(viii) One Financial Expert to be nominated as member by the Sponsoring Body.
(ix) Registrar ex-officio Secretary.
(x) The Sponsoring Body shall have the power to nominate up to six additional persons as members of governing body.
Provided that the number of members of the Governing body shall not be less than nine and more than fifteen.

(b) The term of nominated members shall be three years or till further orders.

(c) The term of office of ex-officio members shall continue so long as they hold the office by virtue of which they are members.

(d) The Sponsoring Body shall have power to remove any member of the Governing Body reasons to be recorded in writing.

(e) Meetings of the Governing Body shall be convened by the Chancellor either on his tivff initiative or on a requisition signed -by not less than four members of the Governing Body.

(f) Decisions on all issues considered in the meetings of the Governing Body shall be taken by majority votes of the members present.

(g) The Chancellor, if present, shall preside over the meetings of the Governing Body. In his absence, the Chancellor may nominate Pro Chancellor or a member of the Governing Body.

(h) A written notice of every meeting shall be sent by the Registrar to every member at least two weeks before the scheduled date of the meeting.

(i) Provided that the Chairman may call a special meeting of the Governing Body at short notice to consider any urgent matter.

(j) The notice may be delivered either by hand, e-mail or sent by registered post at the address of each member as recorded in the office.

(k) Agenda shall be circulated by the Registrar to the members before the meeting.

(l) Notices of motion for inclusion of any item on the agenda must reach the Registrar at least two weeks before the meeting. The Chairperson may, however, permit inclusion of any item for which due notice has not been received.

(m) The ruling of the Chairperson in regard to all the questions of procedure shall be final.

(n) The minutes of the proceedings of the Governing Body shall be drawn up by the Registrar and after the approval of the Chairman shall be circulated to all members of the Governing Body. The amendments, if any with minutes shall be placed for confirmation at the next meeting of the Governing Body. After the minutes are confirmed and signed by the Chairman, the same shall be recorded in a book of minutes which shall be kept open for inspection during office hours by the members of the Governing Body.

(o) As per section 24 of the Act all the works/powers are enshrined with the Governing Body.

(p) The Governing Body may, in accordance with the provisions of clause (d) to sub-section (3) of section 24 of the Act, create such other posts of officers, teachers and employees of the University to perform such functions as it may deem necessary.