Examination Committee
(a) There shall be an Examination Committee in the University for looking after the
affairs related to the examinations. It shall consist of the following:
(i) The Vice-Chancellor - Chairperson
(ii) Three senior teachers (one Professor, one Associate Professor and one Assistance Professor) of the University nominated by the Vice-Chancellor as teacher representative for a period of two years - member;
(iii) All the Deans - Members
(iv) Registrar - Member
(v) The Controller of Examination shall be the ex-officio Secretary;
(vi) Two students' representatives as nominated by Vice-Chancellor (student representatives shall not be allowed to attend confidential meetings)

(b) The Examinations Committee shall meet at least twice in a year, however in the interest of University examination related affairs; it may be called at any time by the Controller of Examinations as per direction of the Vice-Chancellor.

(c) The Examination Committee will make recommendations to the Academic Council regarding conferment or grant of degrees, diplomas, honors and titles etc.

(d) For smooth conduct of examinations, all the infrastructure and staff of the University shall be deemed to be under the administrative and disciplinary control of the Examination Committee and shall be utilized for the conduct of examinations.

(e) The Examination Committee may, on the recommendations of the sub-committee constituted by it for such purposes debar an examinee from appearing in any examinations, if in the opinion of the Examinations Committee, such examinee was guilty of misbehavior / misconduct or of using unfair means at any examination conducted by the University.

(f) The Examination Committee may, on the recommendations of the sub-committee constituted by it for any misconduct in examination related activities, propose disciplinary action / debar an examiner / faculty member/staff of the University from the University examinations if in the opinion of the Examinations Committee, such person was found guilty of academic impropriety.

(g) The Examinations Committee shall make policy for examinations.
3.12. The University may in addition to the Board of Faculties and the Board of Studies, have the following Boards, namely :
(a) The Board of Student Welfare.
(b) The Board of Co-ordination.
(c) The Women Advisory Board.
(d) The Board of Health, Residence and Discipline.
(e) The Board of Social Works.
(f) The University Athletic Association.
(g) The Board of Extramural Activities.
> (h) Sexual Harassment Committee.
(i) Anti Ragging Committee.
(j) Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC).
(a) The powers, functions and the constitution of the Boards mentioned in 3.12 above shall be such as may be laid down in the Ordinances.
(b) University may frame/make ordinance(s) for other works related to constitution/ work/power of the Council, Boards, Committees and Cells from time to time.
(c) All other matters, as per the Act or as may be prescribed.